Research Methodology

The Benefits, Purposes and Principles that represent the core tenets of the Art Docent Company have evolved over the past nineteen years, since incorporating in 1999. We state this fact proudly, aligning ourselves with the “10 YEAR RULE” by (Hayes 1989). According to this rule, no person can make a creative contribution to a particular domain without first devoting a full decade to the mastery of the necessary knowledge and skills. These core tenets are closely related to each other interconnecting the fields of psychology, cognitive psychology, educational psychology, educational neuroscience, social neuroscience, cultural neuroscience, multi-media learning, art education and therapy.

This project constitutes years of research as our prolific bibliography denotes and has resulted in transforming the Art Docent Company into a more psychologically sophisticated arts education program. We are confident that our program creatively represents cutting edge concepts, which have been verified through multiple disciplines over past decades, by many of the greatest thinkers in both the sciences and educational theory. Consistent with the results of scientifically rigorous research, rather than based upon opinion or convention. (McNiff 2004)

Outstanding intellectuals who have influenced, inspired, and shaped the foundation of the Art Docent Company’s arts education program and our belief system as to “How Children Learn,” How we all Learn, are:

  • PH. D., Rudolph Arnheim widely regarded as the leading authority on art and perception, Professor emeritus of Art in the Department of Visual and Environmental Studies Harvard University until 1974. Author of many books including Visual Thinking, 1979.
  • PH. D., Viktor Lowenfeld helped define and develop the field of art education in the United States, Chairman of art education Pennsylvania State University, author of many books including Creative and Mental Growth, originally published 1947 and currently in its eighth edition.
  • PH. D., Howard Gardner is a noted developmental psychologist, Senior Director of Harvard Project Zero, author of over twenty books including  Artful Scribbles, 1980, Frames of Mind: The Theory of Multiple Intelligences, 1983.
  • Jean Piaget is a noted biologist who pioneered educational theory about the study of the development of children’s understanding.
  • PH. D., Cathy A. Malchiodi is a noted art therapist, visual artist, and author of many books on art therapy including The Handbook of Art Therapy, 2002.
  • Sean McNiff is an internationally recognized founder and leading figure in the field of art and healing. University Professor at Lesley University in Cambridge Massachusetts, past President of the American Art Therapy Association, and the author of ten books including Art Heals: How Creativity Cures the Soul, 2004.
  • Dr. Hans Selye M.D., Ph. D. , D. SC., acknowledged as the “Father” of the field of stress research. Dr. Selye published over 1700 articles and 39 books on stress including:  Stress without Distress, 1974 and The Stress of Life, 1978, which were international bestsellers.

  • *Another key concept which plays a major role in our program development is the lofty objective of progressive improvement or the “How can we make it better” paradigm, for the children. We believe this is particularly warranted based upon the exponential rate at which information is made available to us and the role that technology plays in both its acquisition and the keeping abreast of it. We are continuously sourcing pertinent avenues of research to examine and evaluate which of these avenues will best serve the high standards of performance we wish to provide our subscribers.

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